MB66 agent is currently the most sought after and sought after position by many players today. Because this is a job proposed by game portal MB66, one of the major brands with wide coverage in Asia. When you join, you will receive a lot of benefits and a super attractive passive income source. Let’s explore more about the content related to this vacancy here.
Overview of MB66 agent program
MB66 is currently the leading brand in the select market throughout Asia. The number of members here has reached more than 20 million people and continues to increase every day. Therefore, the house has proposed to establish the MB66 agent position to bring a great source of income with good incentives for members in its system.
See more; link vào mb66 Officially 2024
The main and most important task of an agent is to find customers and bring the MB66 brand closer to the community. The commission level received will be proportional to the number of members you introduce to join the house system. The more people you have, the more your income will increase.
Why should you join the MB66 agent program?
Currently, the agent program at the game portal system receives a lot of attention from the community. Because this position has many accompanying benefits, everyone wants to join and experience it. To help you better visualize this MB66 agent job, below let’s explore the benefits of cooperating with the brand.
High commission
The commission level available in the system for agent members will be divided by level. Depending on your efforts, the commission ratio will be different and tends to increase if the number of validly introduced members is large. This is the biggest benefit for agent members that the house proposes. This amount also includes bonuses when your job position is promoted.
Freely use images of MB66
To help the đại lý mb66 do your job more easily, the house allows you to freely use the MB66 brand image. Having already built an extremely prestigious and successful image, this will help agents approach and make players more confident when participating in the MB66 community.
Receive consulting support when becoming an MB66 agent
If you are new and do not have experience with jobs like this position, the house’s staff will support and guide you. Accordingly, the scope of work will relate to brand promotion, finding customers and implementing the strategies you propose. The house’s experts will always be ready to provide the most enthusiastic support possible to help agents start work smoothly.
Free to join
Working in this position at MB66 is an activity that will definitely interest you because you do not need to spend any money. Participation will be completely free, so it will help you save on your initial business fees. However, in order for your job to be stable and develop, you should also spend an investment fee on website promotion as well as hiring more customer service staff,…
These terms belong to the MB66 agent position
In order to ensure good cooperation between agents and game portals, the system has set out regulations related to this program. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to participate:
- Agents must not commit fraudulent acts related to falsifying data for countermeasure purposes. If discovered, the commission will be cut that month and will be expelled from the position the second time.
- All activities related to promoting or making policies must go through censorship from the house position before being carried out.
- It is absolutely prohibited to use the house’s images or resources to promote another brand.
- If MB66 agents are discovered to have profited from the house’s profit accounts, MB66 will unilaterally terminate your position.
If you are interested in the program MB66 agent, This will definitely be useful information for reference. This job will open up many great opportunities for you in terms of both money and business relationships. What are you waiting for? Join MB66 right away to enjoy the benefits and get yourself the dream job of many people right away.